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洄瀾窩國際青年旅舍  Hualien Wow Hostel



 Hualien Wow Hostel provides not only accommodation

but also a communicative space.

The hostel owner executes his travel experiences

and passion for nature, creating a hostel of

“Ecology, Consideration, and Warmth.”

All design from the public area to the room interior are created with industrial fashion and environmental friendliness.

We believe travelers with an eye for design

would fall in love with this place.

入口-自在空間  自行車友善空間!  分享、互動、充滿歡愉的地方!
窩吧 WOW Hualien!  一個最直接跟花蓮互動的半室外空間,可以歡聚暢飲,可以閱讀,也可以在窩在蛋椅中沉思  與自己對話的空間。
落地窗沙發  旅途中的慵懶 窗外扶疏的樹影、舒服的放鬆空間,適合細品一杯好咖啡。每一個座位皆可以看見車站的時鐘,讓旅人可以在開車前優雅地離開花蓮。
窩遊趣  花蓮就該這樣玩!   位於洄瀾窩1F的窩遊趣(WOW TRIP)提供住宿、遊程、活動、美食、交通、咖啡、啤酒、…等多樣化的諮詢與代訂服務。
交誼廳 偶而,我們看看電影。當然,一起喝啤酒看球賽是更開心的事。
閱讀區  與自己對話的空間  如果您一個人旅行,或者只想一個人獨處,選個角落坐下,點亮桌燈,攤開書,好好的享受與自己互動的時光吧!
資訊平台  不與世界脫軌的旅程 我們提供兩部最新型的電腦,滿足旅人所有資訊搜尋、訂票、通訊的需求。

Sharing 、 interacting 、 pleasing lobby

Wow has a multi- function spacious lobby where travelers have fine dining 、writing 、reading  and chatting .Also for closing to Hualien, Wow holds some activities regularly.

Sometimes we have a film,of course, watching games with  beer is more fun!

Breakfast buffet

Say Hallo to Hualien!

We offer eggs、cheese、ham、toast 、bun and fruitwhich guests can help yourselves,

From a.m.7 to a.m. 10 every morning .Kitchen is also available . 


WOW Hualien

Outdoor balcony can make you know more about Hualien.

All you can do is hanging around with friends 、reading 、space-out in the daze chair.

Check it out ! Hualien

WOW TRIPis located on the 1 floor that offers all kinds of information including 


We also help travelers book tour and arrange trip. 

Forest bath

We insist in making environment friendly, so the waterfall plants occupied  1 and 2 floor which designing and planting by WOW. Themarble is surrounded by  fresh green and water sprouts from top every each hour and creates fresh air.

Stay in the lobby like walking in the forest……

Reading corner

Listen to your voice……

If you travel alone or just enjoy be alone, find somewhere and pick up a book

Turn on the lamp and turn off your mind…… 


Send a Post card

Turning your touching into words to mail to your friends  or future you .

Post card and the old mail box just the way we  express the feeling!

Floor-to-Ceiling  Windows

Have a slothful  living 
Revealing the surroundings, floor-to-ceiling windows induce  an outdoor feel and capture delicate views.

Sip a cup of coffee elegantly before saying goodbye.

When you leave  , memories would be stayed ……

The window frame is full of memories of  coworkers. However, it keeps unforgettable experience from travelers

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